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Il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare, Amm. Sq. Sergio Biraghi, alla UEO/WEU

Durante la sessione, il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare Italiana, Ammiraglio Sergio Biraghi, ha riferito sugli sforzi per aumentare il coordinamento della sorveglianza marittima nel Mediterraneo. Ha fornito un resoconto della proiezione virtuale Regionale Maritime Traffic Centre (V-RMTC), ora in fase di sviluppo, che ha lo scopo di fornire alle forze navali le informazioni sul traffico nel Mediterraneo, in tempo reale, con collegamenti internet sicuri. Secondo l'ammiraglio Biraghi, 26 marine militari stanno partecipando al progetto, 13 hanno già iniziato a scambiarsi informazioni e il V-RMTC sarà pienamente operativo nel mese di ottobre 2006.

Paris, 7 December: The WEU Assembly hopes that naval capabilities may be used in maritime security missions that are not strictly military in character, where an increase in illegal or violent activities such as drugs trafficking, transport of illegal immigrants, or maritime terrorism is recorded in European maritime areas.
On the basis of a report submitted by Mr Andrea Rigoni (Italy, Federated Group) on behalf of the Defence Committee, the Assembly also recommended a revision of international legislation on maritime traffic to make for greater effectiveness in confronting new threats such as terrorism or illegal immigration.
Regretting the lack of coordination among those involved in such maritime activities, the Assembly also called for the promotion of harmonisation of legislation, rules and structures. Mr Rigoni ruled out the possibility of establishing a European coastguard, since for that a federated Europe would be necessary, but he thought it might be possible to coordinate European maritime capabilities in a Coastguard Agency and in particular to set up a network of shipping surveillance centres. The principal mission of such an agency would, he said, be based on exchange of information and cooperation for control purposes both in ports and on the high seas.
During the session, the Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, Admiral Sergio Biraghi, reported on the efforts that were being made to increase coordination of maritime surveillance in the Mediterranean. He gave an account of the projected Virtual Regional Maritime Traffic Centre (V-RMTC), now under development, which was intended to provide naval forces with information on traffic in the Mediterranean in real time, by secure internet links. According to Admiral Biraghi, 26 navies are participating in the project, 13 have already started to exchange information and the V-RMTC will be fully operational in October 2006.

Documenti dell'Assemblea UEO che richiamano l'argomento della lotta alla pirateria e la posizione dell'Europa già affrontati nella visita del Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare Ammiraglio di Squadra Sergio Biraghi pagina 9 del documento sottostante.

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