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ESDA ITALIA alla BSC- Berlin Security Conference

Nei giorni 26 e 27 novembre 2013 si terrà in Berlino la 12^ Conferenza "BSC - Berlin Security Conference". L'argomento trattato verterà su "il dopo Afghanistan, nuove esigenze e opportunità per la politica militare e l'industria".

Programma visibile cliccando sul link sottostante.

ESDA Italia è stata invitata, come lo scorso anno, a partecipare.
Il gorno 25 novembre, precedente alla Conferenza, si terrà l'annuale assemblea di ESDA il cui programma è sottoriportato (evidenziato in verde).

Dear Members of the European Security and Defence Association,

As promised in my email message dated 24 September 2013, here is the Official Convocation and Agenda for the 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the inter-parliamentary European Security and Defence Association, ESDA, of which you are a Member.

The AGM will take place at 17.00 on Monday 25 November in the Bundestag in Berlin, (Room 1.501, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Eingang West) at the kind invitation of ESDA Vice President, Axel FISCHER MdB. Map to follow.

The AGM will be followed by a Reception in the British Embassy in Berlin. All Members taking part in the Berlin Security Conference on 26/27 November are invited, (see my email dated 24 September and www.euro-defence.eu for the conference programme and registration). Transport to the Embassy will be organised from the Bundestag.

The Draft Agenda for the AGM, agreed by the Bureau at its meeting in Strasbourg on Thursday 3 October:

- Adoption of the Draft Agenda

- Report on Past Activities

- Future Activities

- Accounts of the Association: presentation by the Treasurer and vote of discharge

- Election of the Bureau

- Election of the President and Vice-Presidents

- Any Other Business

Please let me know, before 31 October:

- whether or not you will be present for the AGM

- if you will not be present, whether you will make available your vote for use by the Bureau

- if you are a candidate for the Bureau
With best wishes and looking forward to seeing you in Berlin next month!

Colin Cameron


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